
Rajendra and I just completed another community Jam with a farewell dinner in our home. I can still feel the reverberations of the weekend, the distinct happiness after an immersion into a long dance weekend. Certainly a tiredness that needs much rest but the cup feels full and not empty. We hosted 7 of these events in the last 2 years and we started with 25 people and have now a full dojo with over 70 sign ups from the wider PNW area. It is amazing.
I am realizing that organizing and facilitating these community dance events reflects my practice and study of the form. They go hand in hand. I think in order to cultivate an environment where such skills can be learnt needs facilitators that know how such a dance feels.
Learning CI is an enormous thing. It requires discipline, attention practices and a capacity to feel what is happening – moving inside our bodies and from the inside out through the spaces available to us. The space is infinite and so are we. Somatic learning and understanding that the many ways of how we touch is also a way of communicating consent clearly. Our perception needs expansion and we need pauses. These learnings take time, surely a lifetime of refinement. CI orients and disturbs, presents insights through direct experiences of the individual in relationship with the collective. The vastness of our inner worlds is phenomenal and tending to those worlds is meaningful to me. I am still struck with awe when I witness physical play between people that have access to those skills. It is like watching a flock of birds knowing how to fly together. I find that this felt sense understanding is the source and the resource, the beginning and the overall red thread that allows creation in a space full of individuals. We come together to immerse ourselves in a collective radical process of expression.
I will be in the Bay Area soon. All my offerings have still a couple of spots open!
MAY 2024
Single Moment 2024 in Berkeley, CA
May 2 - May 5
A Feeling Of Home - Bones
The Potential Of Expression - Psoas
Guest Faculty: Abby Crain

Craniosacral Therapy and Somatic Process Work in Albany, CA
May 6,7,9 and 10
Felek Acupuncture is hosting me again.
Sessions can be booked here

Contact Improvisation Class in San Francisco, CA
May 8
at the Center SF
7:30pm – 9pm followed by a JAM
JUNE 2024
Finding Earth - The Point of Contact in Bellingham, WA
June 8th
Day long Contact Improvisation Workshop co-taught with Rajendra Serber including open evening JAM with live music

More offerings in the Fall/Winter:
September 19-22 - Single Moment 2024 Module 3 in Berkeley
October 5/6 -Workshop with Nita Little in Bellingham
October 25-27 - Fall Jam in Bellingham
Starting Oct/Nov - Another Be Body series on Mondays in Bellingham
December 1 - Daylong workshop in Sebastopol
December 5-8 - Single Moment 2024 Module 4 in Berkeley