

We did it! A couple of Contact Dancers, my family and a professional carpet cleaner helped me to get this quirky and beautiful space in an excellent state. Thank you Wonder, Hannah and Beth! The red theater seats are neatly bolted in, repaired AND dusted. Thanks to Rajendra's outstanding spacial understanding we piled up 40 of those colossuses in the tiniest storage room! I can't even remember how many dirty buckets of water I carried out of the space. The spirits have lifted, new air can breathe in and decades of old dust and stories have left the premises. We laid ground to a sprout – A sprout that will hopefully inspire more movers, artists and somatic practitioners in Bellingham to join the dojo on N State Street. We will celebrate and kick off this new era with our seasonal Fall JAM featuring Nita Little.

September 2023

Sept, 22-24
The Fall Jam in Bellingham is a Contact Improvisation weekend hosted by Carmen and Rajendra Serber, featuring a special workshop with Nita Little and music by Serge Gubelman, YamSweets and Shamsi Bluesky. Additional facilitators Jessi Rado and Michal Lahav.

Fall Jam 2023
The Fall Jam in Bellingham is a Contact Improvisation weekend hosted by Carmen and Rajendra Serber, featuring a special workshop with Nita Little and music by Serge Gubelman, YamSweets and Shamsi Bluesky. We are lucky to have Michal Lahav and Jessi Rado as additional facilitators. Join us to practic…

October 2023

Oct 4
I will teach a class before the Jam in Sebastopol, CA.

Sebastopol Contact Jam

Oct 6-8
The Single Moment - One year immersion into Contact Improvisation
Berkeley, California
3 day Workshop (4 of 4)

We explore the diaphragm as a structural focus. The diaphragm is the biggest horizontal diaphragm in our body and forms a threshold between the upper and the lower body. This jellyfish or mushroom like muscle moves us in many many ways and plays a vital role in how we find more ease in expressing ourselves. We explore its relationship to breathing, to the spine and the heart. We play and experience how the diaphragm can support a grounded feeling in the air and as base in a contact dance. Of course all that will be embedded in ritual, wild and free improvisational scores and integration. This time I have invited Rajendra Serber as a guest teacher. Yes, he is my partner and he is great! His arty website is old and outdated but you can find him on youtube or on vimeo .

Oct 21
Contemplative Dance Practice (without words)
Peace Education and Somatic School, Bellingham, WA
Monthly every 3rd Saturday

Contemplative Dance Practice (without words)
CDP is a Dancer’s Meditation Hall or a Meditator’s Dance Hall. It offers a place to observe and research, alone and together. I offer the “twenty twenty twenty” version of Barbara Dilley’s CDP for free. Space donation requested. I want to experiment with coming and leaving this practice without any

November 2023

November 6 - January 22
Early bird registration til October 1: $200
After October 1st: $250
Peace Education and Somatic School, Bellingham, WA

Mondays 5:00-7:00pm November 6 - January 22 (no class Dec 25 and Jan 1) Early bird registration til October 1: $200 After October 1st: $250 Peace Education and Somatic School, Bellingham Register by filling out the contact form and send payment via Venmo to @Carmen-Serber with the note

Coming into being .....2024

I will be offering another immersion year into Contact Improvisation in Berkeley, CA. Stay tuned for more infos in the next couple of months.